Estimate fluxes


All the AIBECS tutorials and how-to guides are available as Jupyter notebooks. You can view them with nbvieweror execute them online with binder by clicking on the badges above! (Note that binder can be slow to launch and its memory caps can be a problem when running.)

This will take you through the process of extracting flux information from a given transport operator. It is split into 3 parts

  1. Figure out the stencil of the operator
  2. Partition the operator according to said stencil
  3. Estimate the flux of a given 3D tracer field

Let's start telling Julia we will be using AIBECS and Plots.

using AIBECS, Plots

1. Operator stencil

Let's load the OCCA grid information grd and transport matrix $\mathbf{T}$ (the variable T here).

grd, T = OCCA.load()
(, sparse([1, 2, 9551, 9606, 1, 2, 3, 57, 9552, 9607  …  79928, 84632, 84659, 84660, 84661, 79891, 79929, 84633, 84660, 84661], [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2  …  84660, 84660, 84660, 84660, 84660, 84661, 84661, 84661, 84661, 84661], [2.2827161967151829e-7, 1.8030621712982388e-10, -2.202759122121374e-7, -1.669794081839543e-8, -8.32821319857397e-8, 3.645587487556812e-7, -2.4345873581518986e-8, 2.346272528650749e-8, -3.294980961099172e-7, 6.798120022902578e-9  …  -2.337773104642457e-8, -1.0853897038905248e-8, -2.4801404742669764e-8, 7.658935248883193e-8, -2.49410804832536e-8, -2.2788300189327118e-9, -3.386139290468414e-8, -2.0539768803799346e-8, -1.8193948479846445e-8, 5.86467452504204e-8], 84661, 84661))

Multiplying $\mathbf{T}$ with a given tracer concentration vector $\boldsymbol{x}$ gives the flux-divergence of that tracer. In other words, $\mathbf{T}$ operates on $\boldsymbol{x}$ by exchanging tracers between model-grid boxes. But $\mathbf{T}$ only operates on neighboring grid boxes. I.e., $\mathbf{T}$ usually does not directly exchange tracers between boxes far away from each other.

AIBECS provides a function, stencil, that returns all the relative cartesian indices (AKA the relative sub-indices) of the neighbors used by a given operator. In the case of OCCA, the stencil is thus

st = stencil(T, grd)
7-element Vector{CartesianIndex{3}}:
 CartesianIndex(0, 0, 0)
 CartesianIndex(-1, 0, 0)
 CartesianIndex(0, 1, 0)
 CartesianIndex(0, 0, -1)
 CartesianIndex(1, 0, 0)
 CartesianIndex(0, -1, 0)
 CartesianIndex(0, 0, 1)

There is also a label function to, well, label the stencil elements in a more human-readable way. (Note label is not exported, so you must specify that it comes from the AIBECS package, as below.)

[st AIBECS.label.(st)]
7×2 Matrix{Any}:
 CartesianIndex(0, 0, 0)   ""
 CartesianIndex(-1, 0, 0)  "South"
 CartesianIndex(0, 1, 0)   "East"
 CartesianIndex(0, 0, -1)  "Above"
 CartesianIndex(1, 0, 0)   "North"
 CartesianIndex(0, -1, 0)  "West"
 CartesianIndex(0, 0, 1)   "Below"

The stencil can be visualized with the plotstencil recipe


The continuous equivalent of the matrix $\mathbf{T}$, i.e., the flux-divergence operator $\mathcal{T}$, is a differential operator, which is local by definition. It is the spatial discretization of the differential operators that imposes the use of neighboring boxes to estimate spatial gradients.

This works for any circulation, so you can swap grd and T and try again... Here we plot the same figure for a few different circulations available in AIBECS.

plts = Any[]
for Circulation in [OCIM0, OCIM1, OCIM2, OCCA]
    grd, T = Circulation.load()
    push!(plts, plotstencil(stencil(grd, T), title=string(Circulation)))
plot(plts..., layout=(2,2))

These stencils are useful to clarify the origin and destination of tracer fluxes we are going to explore in this guide..

2. Operator Partition

For a given operator $\mathbf{T}$, to each point (or neighbor) $k$ in its stencil corresponds a unique transport operator $\mathbf{T}_k$, which effectively performs the transfer of tracers from that neighbor. In other words, if the stencil has $n$ elements, $\mathbf{T}$ can be partitionned into a family of $n-1$ matrices $\mathbf{T}_k$ that each operate in a single direction of the stencil.

Let's take the "West" neighbor of the OCCA stencil

dir = st[findfirst(AIBECS.label.(st) .== "West")]
CartesianIndex(0, -1, 0)

The AIBECS provides a function directional_T that returns the transport operator corresponding to the direction provided from the stencil element.

T_West = directional_transport(T, grd, dir)
84661×84661 SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 161878 stored entries:

Notice how T_West only has nonzeros on the main diagonal and on one off-diagonal, that connect each box index with the index of the box "West" of it.

3. Flux Estimate

We can look at the depth-integrated mean flux of a fictitious tracer $\boldsymbol{x}$ of concentration 1 mol m⁻³ coming from the west by computing and plotting the vertical integral of $-\mathbf{T}\boldsymbol{x}$:

nwet = count(iswet(grd))
x = ones(nwet)
plotverticalintegral(-T_West * x * u"mol/m^3/s" .|> u"μmol/m^3/s", grd, mask=depthvec(grd) .< 100, color=:seaborn_icefire_gradient, clim=1e2 .* (-1,1))

To get all the matrices for all directions you can use

directional_transports(T, grd)
Dict{String, SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64}} with 6 entries:
  "Below" => sparse([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10  …  79882, 79883, 79884, 798…
  "East"  => sparse([9551, 2, 9552, 3, 9553, 4, 9554, 5, 9555, 6  …  84629, 846…
  "Above" => sparse([9606, 9607, 9608, 9609, 9610, 9611, 9612, 9613, 9614, 9615…
  "West"  => sparse([1, 2, 57, 3, 58, 4, 59, 5, 60, 6  …  79925, 84657, 79926, …
  "North" => sparse([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5  …  84656, 84656, 84657, 8465…
  "South" => sparse([2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6  …  84657, 84657, 84658, 8465…

This guide is still a work in progress and likely contains errors

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