Plot transect/cruise data


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This guide follows the basic plotting guide and its goal is to plot data related to oceanographic observations from cruise expeditions. In this walkthrough, we will 1. Create a ficitious cruise track with profile data 2. Plot transects 3. Other plots

As in the basic plotting guide, throughout this guide we will use the OCIM2 grid and we will create a dummy modelled tracer.

using AIBECS, Plots
grd, _ = OCIM2.load()
fdummy(lat, lon, depth) = @. cosd(lat) * sind(lon) + sqrt(depth) / 30
dummy = fdummy(latlondepthvecs(grd)...)
200160-element Vector{Float64}:

A fictitious cruise

For cruise data we use the OceanographyCruises.jl package.


The purpose of the OceanographyCruises.jl package is to provide a Julia interface for handling discrete data from cruises. One goal is to use it for, e.g., GEOTRACES data. However here we merely use it to create fictitious cruise data.

Let us create a station Sydney at (34°S, 152°E) and a ALOHA station at (22.75°N, 158°W).

using OceanographyCruises
Sydney = Station(name="Sydney", lat=-30, lon=156)
ALOHA = Station(name="ALOHA", lat=22.75, lon=-158)
Station ALOHA (22.8N, 158.0W)

Now let's create a range of 10 stations from Sydney to ALOHA.

Nstations = 10
stations = range(Sydney, ALOHA, length=Nstations, westmostlon=0)
10-element Vector{OceanographyCruises.Station}:
 Station Sydney to ALOHA 1 (30.0S, 156.0E)

 Station Sydney to ALOHA 2 (24.1S, 161.1E)

 Station Sydney to ALOHA 3 (18.3S, 166.2E)

 Station Sydney to ALOHA 4 (12.4S, 171.3E)

 Station Sydney to ALOHA 5 (6.6S, 176.4E)

 Station Sydney to ALOHA 6 (0.7S, 181.6E)

 Station Sydney to ALOHA 7 (5.2N, 186.7E)

 Station Sydney to ALOHA 8 (11.0N, 191.8E)

 Station Sydney to ALOHA 9 (16.9N, 196.9E)

 Station Sydney to ALOHA 10 (22.8N, 202.0E)

(westmostlon=0 ensures that the longitudes are in (0,360) to match the OCIM2 grid we use here.)

We can now construct a fictitious cruise track

ct = CruiseTrack(name="CruisyMcCruiseFace", stations=stations)

and check the station locations by overlaying a plot of the cruise's track over a surface map of the dummy tracer

surfacemap(dummy, grd, color=:grays)
plotcruisetrack!(ct, markercolor=:red)

Let's create a transect of data that is almost equal to the dummy.

First, a function for creating random depths

function randomdepths(n, max)
    depths = cumsum(rand(n+1))
    return max * view(depths,1:n) / maximum(depths)
Nobs = rand(1:20, Nstations) # number of obs per station/profile
depths = [randomdepths(Nobs[i], 4000) for i in 1:Nstations]
obs = [[fdummy(, st.lon, d) .+ 0.1randn() for d in depths[i]] for (i,st) in enumerate(stations)]
profiles = [DepthProfile(station=st, depths=depths[i], values=obs[i]) for (i,st) in enumerate(stations)]

t = Transect(tracer="dummy",, profiles=profiles)



We can plot the modelled dummy data along the ct cruise track in the zonal directiion (along longitudes) with

plottransect(dummy, grd, ct=ct)

If we want the observations transect on top of it


If you have the GEOTRACES.jl package installed and the GEOTRACES data installed at the right location, you can instead plot real data with something like

t = GEOTRACES.transects("Fe")[1] # the first Fe transect is GA02
plotscattertransect(t) # use a bang (!) to overlay on top of your model plot

However, this cannot be showcased online because GEOTRACES decided its data should "not be distributed to third parties".

Other plots

Plots the modelled ratio of two modelled tracers at a given station.

dummy1 = cosd.(latvec(grd)) + sqrt.(depthvec(grd)) / 30
dummy2 = cosd.(2latvec(grd)) + 0.5sqrt.(depthvec(grd)) / 30
ratioatstation(dummy1, dummy2, grd, ALOHA, xlabel="dummy 1", ylabel="dummy 2")

This can be useful to compare stoichiometric ratios at different stations.

ratioatstation!(dummy1, dummy2, grd, Sydney, marker=:square)

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