
The public user interface.




Field(arch::Architecture, grid::AbstractGrid; bcs = default_bcs())

Construct a Field on grid with data and boundary conditions on architecture arch



generate_nutrients(arch, grid, source)

Set up initial nutrient fields according to grid.

Keyword Arguments

  • arch: CPU() or GPU(). The computer architecture used to time-step model.
  • grid: The resolution and discrete geometry on which nutrient fields are solved.
  • source: A NamedTuple containing 10 numbers each of which is the uniform initial condition of one tracer, or a Dict containing the file paths pointing to the files of nutrient initial conditions.


update_phyt_params(tmp::Dict, N::Int64, mode::AbstractMode)

Update parameter values based on a Dict provided by user Keyword Arguments =================

  • tmp is a Dict containing the parameters needed to be upadated
  • N is a Int64 indicating the number of species
  • mode is the mode of phytoplankton physiology resolved in the model


PlanktonDiagnostics(model; tracer=(:PAR, :NH4, :NO3, :DOC),
                    plankton=(:num, :graz, :mort, :dvid),
                    time_interval = 1)

Generate a PlanktonDiagnostics structure.

Keyword Arguments (Optional)

  • tracer : a Tuple containing the names of nutrient fields to be diagnosed.
  • plankton : a Tuple containing the names of physiological processes of plankton individuals to be diagnosed.
  • iteration_interval : The number of timesteps that diagnostics is averaged, 1 iteration by default.


PlanktonModel(arch::Architecture, grid::AbstractGrid;
              mode = QuotaMode(),
              N_species = 1,
              N_individual = [1024],
              max_individuals = 1024*8,
              bgc_params = nothing, 
              phyt_params = nothing,
              nut_initial = default_nut_init(),
              t = 0.0,

Generate a PlanktonModel data structure.

Keyword Arguments (Required)

  • arch : CPU() or GPU(). Computer architecture being used to run the model.
  • grid : a AbstractGrid structure. Discrete grid for the model (resolution and geometry).

Keyword Arguments (Optional)

  • mode : Phytoplankton physiology mode, choose among CarbonMode(), QuotaMode(), or MacroMolecularMode().
  • N_species : Number of species.
  • N_individual : Number of individuals per species, should be a vector with N_species elements.
  • max_individuals : Maximum number of individuals for each species the model can hold, usually take the maximum of all the species and apply a factor to account for the growth of individuals during one simulation.
  • bgc_params : Parameter set for biogeochemical processes modeled in the model, use default if nothing, use Dict to update parameters, the format and names of parameters can be found by running bgc_params_default().
  • phyt_params : Parameter set for physiological processes of individuals modeled in the model, use default if nothing, use Dict to update parameters, the format and names of parameters can be found by running phyt_params_default(N_species, mode).
  • nut_initial : The source of initial conditions of nutrient fields, should be either a NamedTuple or a Dict containing the file paths pointing to the files of nutrient initial conditions.
  • t : Model time, start from 0 by default, in second.


PlanktonSimulation(model; ΔT, iterations,
                   PARF = default_PARF(model.grid),
                   temp = default_temperature(model.grid),
                   diags = nothing,
                   vels = (;),
                   ΔT_vel = ΔT,
                   ΔT_PAR::Float64 = 3600.0,
                   ΔT_temp::Float64 = 3600.0,
                   output_writer = nothing,

Generate a PlanktonSimulation data structure.

Keyword Arguments (Required)

  • ΔT : time step in second.
  • iterations : run the simulation for this number of iterations.

Keyword Arguments (Optional)

  • PARF : External forcings of surface PAR. Hourly PAR of a single day is provided by default.
  • temp : External forcings of temperature. Hourly data of a single day is provided by default.
  • diags : Diagnostics of the simulation generated by PlanktonDiagnostics.
  • vels : The velocity fields for nutrient fields and individuals. nothing means no velocities will be applied in the simulation. Otherwise, vels mush be a NamedTuple containing all u, v, and w. Each of u, v, and w must be an 4D-Array of (Nx, Ny, Nz, nΔT) elements, excluding halo points. N+1 is required for bounded direction.
  • ΔT_vel : time step of velocities provided externally (in seconds).
  • ΔT_PAR : time step of surface PAR provided externally (in seconds).
  • ΔT_temp : time step of temperature provided externally (in seconds).
  • output_writer : Output writer of the simulation generated by PlanktonOutputWriter.
update!(sim::PlanktonSimulation; time_offset = (vels = true, PAFR = true, temp = true))

Update the PlanktonSimulation for sim.iterations time steps. time_offset is used when velocities (or PARF or temperature) starts from timestep 1, but model.t is not. It is usually used when velocity fields are too large and need to be broken down into several parts. Only one part of the whole velocity fields can be constructed into a PlanktonSimulation, so in this PlanktonSimulation model.iteration might no be 1, but the velocity fields need to start from 1 (same for PARF or temperature fields).



PlanktonOutputWriter(;dir = "./results",
                           diags_prefix = "diags",
                           plankton_prefix = "plankton",
                           write_log = false,
                           save_diags = false,
                           save_plankton = false,
                           plankton_include = (:x, :y, :z, :Sz),
                           plankton_iteration_interval = 1,
                           max_filesize = Inf,

Generate a PlanktonOutputWriter structure which includes settings for model outputs

Keyword Arguments (Optional)

  • dir: The directory to store model outputs, "./results" by default
  • diags_prefix: Descriptive filename prefixed to diagnostic output files.
  • plankton_prefix: Descriptive filename prefixed to plankton output files.
  • write_log: write model logs which contain global averages of simulated plankton, default: false.
  • save_diags: write diagnostics to disk, default: false.
  • save_plankton: write plankton to disk, default: false.
  • plankton_include: list of plankton properties to save, default: (:x, :y, :z, :Sz).
  • plankton_iteration_interval: The time interval that plankton are saved, 1 timestep by default.
  • max_filesize: The writer will stop writing to the output file once the file size exceeds max_filesize, and write to a new one with a consistent naming scheme ending in part1, part2, etc. default: Inf.