Tutorial Notebooks

  • The version of the notebooks found in the online docs is static html rendering (this website).
  • The version found in the src folder is the underlying code of the notebooks (.jl files).
  • To run the notebooks interactively see How-To section.

Included Notebooks

More Notebooks


To install OceanRobots.jl in julia proceed as usual via the package manager (using Pkg; Pkg.add(OceanRobots)).

To run a notebook interactively (.jl files) you want to use Pluto.jl. For example, copy and paste one of the above code links in the Pluto.jl interface. This will let you spin up the notebook in a web browser from the copied URL.

All you need to do beforehand is to install julia and Pluto.jl. The installation of OceanRobots.jl and other Julia packages will then happen automatically when you run the notebook.

You can also download the notebooks folder and run them as normal Julia programs. We recommend runing each notebook in its own environment as shown below.


To download OceanRobots.jl folder, which includes the notebooks folder, you can use Git.jl.

using Pkg; Pkg.add("Git"); using Git
run(`$(git()) clone $(url)`)
using Pkg; Pkg.add("Pluto"); using Pluto

    Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General.toml`
   Resolving package versions...
  No Changes to `~/work/OceanRobots.jl/OceanRobots.jl/docs/Project.toml`
  No Changes to `~/work/OceanRobots.jl/OceanRobots.jl/docs/Manifest.toml`

[ Info: New notebook package environment written to directory ✓

   Installed PlutoUI ───── v0.7.60
   Installed Hyperscript ─ v0.0.5
   Installed OceanRobots ─ v0.2.5
Precompiling project...
  ✓ Hyperscript
  ✓ OceanRobots
  ✓ PlutoUI
  ✓ OceanRobots → OceanRobotsArgoDataExt
  ✓ OceanRobots → OceanRobotsMakieExt
  5 dependencies successfully precompiled in 9 seconds. 344 already precompiled.
  3 dependencies precompiled but different versions are currently loaded. Restart julia to access the new versions
19040×2 DataFrame
   Row │ folder  wmo
       │ Any     Any
     1 │ aoml    13857
     2 │ aoml    13858
     3 │ aoml    13859
     4 │ aoml    15819
     5 │ aoml    15820
     6 │ aoml    15851
     7 │ aoml    15852
     8 │ aoml    15853
   ⋮   │   ⋮        ⋮
 19034 │ nmdis   2901627
 19035 │ nmdis   2901628
 19036 │ nmdis   2901629
 19037 │ nmdis   2901630
 19038 │ nmdis   2901631
 19039 │ nmdis   2901632
 19040 │ nmdis   2901633
       19025 rows omitted┌──────────┬─────────┐
│   folder │     wmo │
│     aoml │   13857 │
│     aoml │ 3900475 │
│     aoml │ 4903041 │
│     aoml │ 5903277 │
│     aoml │ 5906175 │
│ coriolis │ 1900388 │
│ coriolis │ 6901609 │
│     csio │ 2902658 │
│      jma │ 1900671 │
│      kma │ 2900897 │
┌ Warning: specifycing files_list here is deprecated
└ @ OceanRobotsArgoDataExt ~/work/OceanRobots.jl/OceanRobots.jl/ext/OceanRobotsArgoDataExt.jl:19
downloading floats list via ArgoData.jl
  Activating project at `~/work/OceanRobots.jl/OceanRobots.jl/docs`