JuliaCon 2021 Workshop
Title: Modeling Marine Ecosystems At Multiple Scales Using Julia
Speakers: Gael Forget, Benoit Pasquier, Zhen Wu
2021/07/25 Workshop Recording
streaming :
webpage :
Life in the oceans is strongly connected to our climate. In this workshop, you will learn to use packages from the JuliaOcean and JuliaClimate organizations that provide a foundation for studying marine ecosystems across a wide range of scales. We will run agent-based models to explore individual microbes and processes that drive species interactions. On the other end of the model hierarchy, we will simulate planetary-scale transports that control ocean biogeography and climate change.
Any example found in the online documentation is most easily run using Pluto.jl .
Just copy the corresponding notebook url
link below and paste into the Pluto.jl interface (v0.15 or later).
- AIBECSExample.html (โ-> notebook url)
- PlanktonIndividualExample.html (โ-> notebook url)
- MITgcmtutorialglobalocebiogeo.html (โ-> notebook url)
- IndividualDisplacementsExample.html (โ-> notebook url)
Packages covered in this workshop will include:
- AIBECS.jl: global steady-state biogeochemistry and gridded transport models that run fast for long time scales (centuries or even millennia).
- PlanktonIndividuals.jl: local to global agent-based model, particularly suited to study microbial communities, plankton physiology, and nutrient cycles.
- MITgcmTools.jl: interface to full-featured, Fortran-based, general circulation model and its output (transports, chemistry, ecology, ocean, sea-ice, atmosphere, and more).
- IndividualDisplacements.jl: local to global particle tracking, for simulating dispersion, connectivity, transports in the ocean or atmosphere, etc.