Physical Oceanography


  • sst_anomaly_notebook.jl plots a map of SST anomaly, as well as time series (SST and anomalies). Source : NOAA/OISST.
  • SatelliteAltimetry.jl plots a map a sea level anomaly maps derived from altimetry. Sources : NASA/PODAAC, CMEMS.
  • NSLCT_notebook.jl lets you access sea level data from NASA and Dataverse portals (HTTP.jl, Dataverse.jl), organize it into tables (DataFrames.jl), and plot it (Makie.jl).
  • ECCO_standard_plots.jl lets you explore a wide range of variables derived from gridded time-variable ocean climatologies (ECCO4, OCCA2). The data is retrieved from, and intermediate results from Source: MIT, NASA/ECCO. Source code: here, here.

Marine Ecosystems


Other Notebooks

  • HadIOD_viz.jl : download, read, and plot a subset of the HadIOD T/S database
  • the suite of examples provided in OceanRobots.jl that focus on observations collected at sea.




For more on these estimates, and how to use them in Julia, please refer to the following documentation and links therein.

  • OceanRobots.jl : access, analyze, process, and simulate data generated by ocean robots. These ocean observing platforms collect observations in the field, and allow us to monitor climate.
  • MITgcm.jl : framework to interact with MITgcm (setup, run, output, plot, etc), CBIOMES, and ECCO output.
  • MeshArrays.jl : gridded Earth variables, domain decomposition, C-grid support; Ocean Circulation, Geography tutorials.
  • IndividualDisplacements.jl : simulation and analysis of materials moving through oceanic and atmospheric flows.

For more notebooks involving CBIOMES and related efforts, take a look at the following pages.


To run the notebook on a local computer or in the cloud, please refer to the Pluto docs. Directions are also provided in the following pages.